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We now have a confirmed High Court date of 12 May 2025, and a deadline to raise $25k by 2025 to cover existing legal costs and fund expert witnesses. Read our latest media release here

To afford the case that we deserve, we need to raise - $25k by 2025. The much-needed funds will help us cover our legal costs to date and fund key witness statements. Payments can be made to Plane Sense Wellington Inc., referencing a family/organisation name: Kiwibank: Plane Sense - 38-9024-0832857-00  

Auction for Action! Donate unwanted items that we can auction via Trade Me to assist with our fundraising. Please contact us with the details. 

Plane Sense Wellington Inc. has put together some Frequently Asked Questions, with expert legal and regulatory assistance, to help others understand our community's issue, on a more fully informed basis. If you have further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Plane Sense does have a Givealittle page, however a percentage of donations is taken as a fee.
